I've made it onto the web again! You may remember (or probably not) that I've blogged about appearing the web before (check out this post and this one). Unlike those other posts, though, this new one is ALL ABOUT ME! Check out a great--if I do say so myself--interview of yours truly on Kimberly Sabatini's blog.
I mentioned in the interview that one of the reasons I like to go to writing conferences is to meet authors and have them sign books for me. Here's my shelf of signed books:
Lisa Yee is a great writer and a really fun person. I've only had the pleasure of meeting her in person once, but we occasionally chat via her blog. It's cut off in the picture, but she crossed out Stanford Wong and put in Katie!
As I was looking at my signed books, I realized that I have given away all my signed picture books, but there was some good ones. My favorite is How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? by Jane Yolen and illustrated by Mark Teague (it's signed by Mark Teague), which I gave to my little nephew. When you read it with him, he turns to the title page and says, "It's signed by Mark (my nephew has a funny little accent like he's from Boston or something, so Mark sounds like Mak) Teague and he drew a picture of a dinosaur." Then he recites the whole book for you.
And because there can never be enough links in one post, here's one more for you. Agent Mary Kole is running another contest on her Kidlit blog, so check it out here.