Sunday, February 21, 2010

"I make mad films, okay, I don't make films, but if I did they'd have a samurai"*

I'm honored to have been given the Lesa's Bald Faced Liar "Creative Writer" Blogger Award! Thanks to Donna McDine for recognizing my special talents as a liar...I mean writer. Check out her blog and website.

Here are the rules that I must follow:

  1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link to them.
  2. Add the award to your blog.
  3. Tell six outrageous lies about yourself and One Truth.
  4. Nominate six creative liars...I mean writers and post links to them.
  5. Let your nominees know they have been nominated.

Okay, so I'm not very good at following directions, so I'm going to tell six almost truths and one absolute truth. Can you figure out the one absolute truth? (Check out the comments for the answer.)

  1. I once ran a marathon in Alaska on a whim.
  2. My favorite food is pepperoni pizza.
  3. I read 65 novels last year.
  4. I've been playing soccer for over 20 years.
  5. My favorite Harry Potter book is the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  6. I've never been on TV.
  7. I got married at a haunted restaurant in Windsor, CT.

And here's my nominees:

Kimberly Sabatini at

Debbie Mumford at

Rena Jones at

Anna Staniszewski at

Marcia Hoehne at

Lisha Cauthen at

Okay, off to let my nominees know!

*Barenaked Ladies