Monday, May 9, 2011

"You better listen to your mama"*

The ladies and I had a lovely brunch yesterday to celebrate Mother's Day. The weather was gorgeous and several of us kept the festivities going when we walked around the green and checked out a craft fair.

With my status as mother-to-be I got my first ever Mother's Day presents in the form of cards, flowers, and delicious homemade banana bread (thanks goes out to The Boy...yup, it's a boy!). The hubby decorated the refrigerator with ultrasound pictures of the little guy, but that wasn't the only thing that ended up on the refrigerator.

That's right! As with all the gatherings at my house, the guests were encouraged to express themselves with poetry. There was a whole new crop of words that had been added to the magnetic poetry kit since the last installment and the phrases were flowing. Here's what the guests had to say:

  • spring morning garden leave s little want ing (there's nothing I can really add to this beautiful sentiment...but notice I still added something by pointing that out)

  • imagine sweet dream s (if only it were as simply as imagining them and they came true)

  • a spark ly puddle is an inspiration for play time (probably true for most children, not so much for most adults)

  • easy trick bake good rain love (ummm...that's what she said? maybe not, but I couldn't go without saying it)

  • always taste summer and fear not to drink the gentle breeze (I think the awesome weather really inspired the guests to new levels of poetic beauty)

  • do squirrel s experience emotion (it's a burning question that I know so many of us have been wondering and I'm glad someone finally asked it)

As always, thanks to those who contributed. What kind of poetic inspiration have you been experiencing lately?

*Jason Mraz